Returning to the Studio

Life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect them. A few months ago, I found myself sidelined by an unexpected illness. It was serious enough to keep me away from my passion, photography. Now, after what felt […]

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Brownlow House

Brownlow House, or as it’s also known to the locals Lurgan Castle is an imposing building situated just a few minutes walk from Lurgan town centre. It commands a stunning view across Lurgan Park and lake.  It’s an absolutely gorgeous […]

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Natural Light at Parkanaur Manor House

On the 19th of last month I was lucky enough to help out fellow photographer and friend Nigel Fleming with one of his lighting workshops. This one was held in the splendour of Parknanaur Manor House just outside Dungannon.  I’ve […]

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Had the opportunity to photography this beautiful young lady last night. I can honestly say that there will be very little post processing required for this set.

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Pre-Communion Shoot

Well my daughter makes her First Holy Communion next month so I thought I’d try and get some shots done before the day.

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