Michael Carbery Photography

Home / Landscapes

Oxford Island Sunsets

Boy what a few weeks of weather we’ve been having, temperatures in the mid to high 20s and with it there has been some fantastic sunsets.  Over the course of two nights my wife, Aine, and myself made our way […]

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Lanzarote Airport

January saw my wife and I taking a week long holiday to Lanzarote, some winter sun was very much in need. As it would happen the airport was a short 10 minutes walk from our hotel so it would have […]

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Lurgan Park

Moon Rising Over Lurgan Park Lake

November saw an event that hasn’t occurred for nearly 70 years – a record ‘Supermoon’. This is a full moon that is closest to Earth in its elliptical order. It generally appears larger and brighter than normal. I wasn’t that […]

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Solar Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse happened over the UK on Friday 20th March. I was at work but thankfully had the opportunity to capture it. I tried to capture something different to the norm and believe I achieved that.

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I took these last year. I’ve seen some beautiful sunsets (and sunrises) over Lurgan Park.

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Snow Day

I just love to shoot and those that know me know I will point my camera at anything. So when it snowed at the start of the year I grabbed my camera and headed in to Lurgan Park. Say what […]

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